ca-pub-6689247369064277 This is a story of a famous and big entrepreneur , who was living in a 7 star hotel in their foreign travel. One day he require some flower but unfortunately the flowers was not available in the hotel. He saw outside the window and saw a man in the road side with some flowers in the basket but he was sleeping. Entrepreneur went there to purchase some flowers to them, and said do you have flowers to sale, I have to purchase few. Salesman said yes, flowers are kept for sale.Entrepreneur while purchasing flower, said to sales person, you are sleeping here to sold your flower, if you will cry to sold flower, more people may come to you, it will increase your sale. Salesman said ok, assume my sales is increase, then? Entrepreneur said when sale will increase your profit will increase and now you can make your proper shop. Salesman said, assume I have shop then? Entrepreneur said now your income would be double and you can make musium of flowers. Salesman said assume I have musium now, then? Entrepreneur said from musium your capital would be many more and then you can make more musium and you can now depute sales staff on salery to run smoothly your business. Sales man said assume I have these all, then? Entrepreneur said now you can sleep sound with satisfaction. Sales man said this is what I am doing now. The story told us that you can change yourself if you want else nobody can change you.
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