12 दिसंबर 2016

Have a good company

ca-pub-6689247369064277    .                             मेरा भारत महान                                                            Be prudent in choosing your company as it has a great impact on you, through directly. Avoid mixing with people having negative attitudes and materialistic outlooks. Have just a few friends whom you have properly tested over a period of time during various trials and who are in tune with your wavelength and once initiated, try to have enduring friendship with them. Frequent breaking of friendship is a sign of immature and undeveloped mind.                                      Great importance of satsang in our scriptures is solely due to this fact that when you have a good virtuous and elevating company, we automatically change and improve effortlessly because of the constant impact of the positive vibrations and also by the law of induction according to which we always tend to imitate whatever we see,hear and observe.

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